
Sunday, April 9, 2017

Hey guys!

As you can obviously see from the lack of post.. I took a longggg break from blogging and YouTubing. I had some moments of self-doubt and allowing satan to win with telling me this blog was useless. But as time went on, I received great words of encouragement from peers and my pastor to keep going. Life will continue to throw curve balls to check your game and I can admit that sometimes I'll say screw it and go back to old habits.

This blog has given me a different feel of motivation. I was distracted by life, bills, money, being a mom, my relationship and just figuring things out. I took 2 weeks off of work but more time offline to figure out how I would approach this aspect of my life and just how this will contribute to my community. It's hard enough trying to keep up with motherhood, work and school. Add some financial troubles and a vacation turning out totally different than you had planned in your mind! [Shout out to my daydreams! :)] Overall, being on vacation in general has taught me this is all about balance and self approach.

If I continue to have negative thoughts and complete task negatively, nothing good comes from that. I've been inviting victory while not allowing things or people who bring/speak negative talk to prosper. We are all on different paths in life not everyone will understand what you're doing until its done or has set an impact on people. I learned a lot about myself, my parenting style that I thought I was doing so well at, though there is always room for improvement in just about everything, and what actually makes me happy. No doubt my son is a big factor, but being around my family and extended family is what life is really about!

I want to apologize to those who have been checking on my blog for updates, resources or just in general. I can assure you I'm back for good this time and have some good videos stirring up in the making! I've recently saw some IG and blog post for something called "Self-Care Sunday" where people take an entire day devoted to taking care of themselves. Ranging from the nail salon, hiking, no cellphone usage to reading a few books.

For Self-care Sunday, today is all about self-reassurance, with some homework on the side. Ha! Life isn't going to be blossoming tulips (my favorite flower), but life goes on and is too short to dwell on what's going wrong temporarily. I've noticed that a lot of what goes wrong in peoples lives literally determines their outcome because they don't have enough self-discipline or self-confidence to constantly remind themselves this is temporary all the while there is so much more that will eventually go right.

What all will you do this self-care Sunday?

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