Getting started :)

Friday, January 27, 2017

Hey guys!

This blog is dedicated to uplifting my fellow minorities in every aspect of the word. I've contemplated on even creating a blog because of internet trolls and me always speaking my mind I feel I'll be compelled to respond.. but at the end of the day I was called to do this. My passion is mental health and has been for quite some years. Having dealt with post-partum depression and anxiety, I feel as though sometimes we are taught to withhold feelings whether it be depression, anxiety, bi-polar, suicidal thoughts, anger or even hurt because we were taught to be strong as well as "keep our business to ourselves", pray, or to even seek help within the community. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that. But, for those who feel different, I wanted to create a space where it is okay for you to come and talk out your issues, viewpoints or ANYTHING

So why is it that we don't make mental illness a topic of discussion? African American's are 20% more likely to experience mental illness than the general population. 20% may seem small compared to 20/100 but for a minority group thats huge! There is misconception regarding mental health. If you have something mentally  wrong, you're crazy or automatically delusional in most of societies eyes. I've seen that first hand and experienced it myself. Before even being diagnosed, I was scared I would be judged as a first time mom from other mom's including my own that, they did not receive help when they had children, so why am I complaining I don't have help? It ended up being true, when I was first told nothing was wrong with me I'm just sleep deprived by a friend, I knew I could not confide in anyone about this. That scenario just proves my point that we are so misinformed about a lot of symptoms and signs regarding mental health. Because after all, we are all human and imperfect beings who could use a shoulder right?

Please don't feel as though you're alone because you're far from it! I'm still making some tweaks but I am excited to start this journey and prayerfully help you!

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